What is Invisible Flicker?

Flicker is constant fluctuation of light output. It can be divided into two kinds: Visible and invisible. While visible flicker can be seen with naked eye, invisible flicker cannot be seen and is harmful to your overall eye health.


Studies have revealed that prolonged exposure to invisible flicker present in LED lights can lead to various health problems such as eye strain, headaches, blurred vision and fatigue. Children are found more vulnerable to flicker-induced effects than adults.


It is common to experience throbbing headaches when you’re exposed to invisible flickering of LED lights. Prolonged exposure can aggravate these headaches and even lead to migraine. These conditions may often be accompanied by nausea and visual disturbances.


Prolonged exposure to invisible flicker of lights can cause Asthenopia. The symptoms of this condition are eye strain, fatigue, blurred vision, and diminished sight-related task problems. In the long run, this can have serious impact on your eye health.


Pupil in our eyes is like the focus lens in a camera. It keeps on adjusting to the invisible flicker of the LEDs and this constant adjustment causes stress and adversely affects your mental health and capacity. It can tire you out and reduce your cognitive abilities. Not only does it slow you down mentally, but also makes you sluggish physically.


It is no secret that exposure to flickering lights for an extended period has negative optical effects. The most common symptom is reduced visual acuity, which leads to weak temporal vision, frequent headaches, and eye pain.

What Are Invisible Flickers In LED Lights?

Flicker is constant fluctuation of light output. It can be divided into two kinds: Visible and invisible. While visible flicker can be seen by naked eye, invisible flicker cannot be seen and is harmful to your overall eye health.

Your Eyes After Using

Regular Lights With Visible/ Invisible Flicker


Eye Strain

Mental Fatigue

Optical Effects

Life :(

Orient’s Eyeluv With Little To No Flicker

Free From Headache

Reduces Eye Strain

Reduces Mental Fatigue

Reduces Optical Effects

Life Easy

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What is LED lighting?

Light-emitting diodes (LED) are semiconductors which turn into light when electrons pass through them. Compared to incandescent and CFL bulbs, LED lights are more energy efficient at turning energy into light. Therefore, less energy radiates from the bulb as heat, thus leading to energy saving of almost 85% as compared to other light sources.

How is LED light better than traditional light sources?

LED light is better than traditional light sources such as CFL, Incandescent bulb, as it is long-lasting, saves power and has capability to give more lumens per watt. Additionally, it is possible to get different light colours from the LED lighting source.

Are there any Harmful effects of LED Light on Humans?

Yes, it can be harmful to overall human eye health over prolonged exposure.

What is Flicker in LED Lights?

Light flicker refers to the constant and repeated fluctuation in the brightness of the LED light.

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